(Op alle skoolgemeenskappe en alle korporatiewe amptenare gemik)
Die doel van hierdie program is om almal in die onderwys in die provinsie sover te kry om gemeenskapswaardes uit te lewe sodat dit die aksies en gedrag van alle rolspelers/indiwidue op ’n positiewe wyse kan beïnvloed. Die WKOD het in hierdie verband besluit om sy organisatoriese kultuur na ’n waardesgedrewe organisasie te transformeer. Die bekendstelling van WiO aan algehele skoolgemeenskappe is dus ’n uitbreiding van wat binne die organisasie aan die gebeur is, en wat dit graag wil hê moet gebeur in alle sfere van elke skoolgemeenskap in die provinsie.
(Directed at all Schools Communities and Corporate Officers)
This programme, directed at all schooling communities as well as all job levels of the WCED, aims to get everyone in education in the province to live out societal values so that it can positively influence the actions and behaviour of all role players/ individuals. In this regard the WCED has decided to radically change its organisational culture to one of being a values-driven organisation. As an organisation, the WCED has identified and adopted six core values as the cornerstones of how they conduct business. Rolling out ViE to entire schooling communities is therefore an extension of what is happening within the organisation and what it would like to see play itself out across all spheres of every schooling community in the province.